Monday, August 18, 2014

6 weeks progress

(I've actually been on my workout routine for 8 full weeks but between the first measurement and the last measurement was about 6 weeks; 6/30 to 8/13.)

Here they are with changes:
Weight: 132.1 lbs --> 128.8 lbs (3.3 lbs lost)
Height: 5'3"
BMI: 23.9 --> 22.8
BMR: 1311 kCal  --> 1314 kCal
Body Fat: 27.3% --> 25.2%
Waist: 26.5 in --> 25.7in
Chest: 31.5 in --> (forgot to measure)
Hips: 37.5 in --> (forgot to measure)
Thigh: 24 in  --> (ditto)
Calf: 15 in --> (yep)
Bicep: 11 in --> (ugh.)

So, while I have been feeling sort of bummed and unsure of my progress because my measurements haven't really changed much every time I do it, it appears that I am in fact making strides! My trainer friend said it was "amazing" and I "should be really proud of myself." So I am. He said it takes most people 3-4 months to drop 2% body fat but I find that hard to believe. But then again, I am relentless tracking calories and working out 6 days a week, but I always feel like I could work out more or harder and do better. I did lose 3.7lbs of fat and gained back 0.2lb of muscle. 

I think the ECA stack was helpful and I loved how focused I felt on it, but I haven't noticed that much difference in my performance so the effects must have been metabolic. I'm back on hydroxycut for another few days and then ECA round 2 will start. 

I'm up to a full mile of non-stop running at 10min/mile. It's slow, but I can do the second mile in about 11min too, not totally running. Dealing with shin splints sucks but I am getting used to them - trying to find remedies but I keep hearing that they just happen to everyone. Trainer friend mentioned something funny about girls who run on treadmills too much having "cardio bunny bubble butt" where their butt and hips are stuck out; apparently this is due to the particular muscles used in treadmill running which are not used when running on the road. He was very anti-treadmill and mentioned that it's inefficient and unnatural; we use stabilizing muscles to match the pace of the band and stay in place rather than propelling ourselves forward and upwards in real motion. It was interesting... need to read up on that.

Anyway, if it took me 6 weeks to drop 2%, that means I can't expect to meet my 18% body fat goal any earlier than December. I'm losing around 1/2 lb per week which seems slow but it also seems totally sustainable. I DO look different and feel different, and I feel good about what I eat--not "dieting"--and how much I work out--thank you, endorphins--so I'm trying my best to remember that patience is a virtue and I should enjoy the ride of becoming stronger and fitter at every stage :)